Success Wall

Success, it's what we do. But don't take our word for it, hear from the people we train

What our Students in the Close Pro Academy are doing

We help people who are feeling stuck, break free with Remote High Ticket Closing

Jay - 10k months in 6 weeks

  • Jay was stressed out running a barber shop and wanted to do something where he can make good money but still spend time with the family

  • We coached him in High Ticket Sales and leveled up his Skill Set

  • He came through and made 10k in his first 6 weeks

  • He now runs his own High TIcket Offer off the back of the skills and money he made through the Academy

Hana - hitting 12k a month as a Closer

  • Hana tried everything to break free of the 9-5 but nothing worked

  • She joined the Academy, smashed the training and we placed her in an amazing Offer

  • She now does 12k a month as a Closer

  • And does it while travelling around the world

Ste - Struggling Business to Top Closer

  • Steve was running a struggling business before he found the Close Pro Academy

  • He joined hoping this was going to be the thing to finally get him out

  • He manage to go through the programme and become a full time Closer within 3 months

  • He never has to go back to the 9-5 again

Shannen - £2200 commisson in a day

  • Shannen was a Sales manager in a Direct Sales Company but felt like she had hit her ceiling

  • Because Direct Sales wouldn't let her have the freedom of working remotely and travelling she looking into High Ticket Closing

  • She smashed the training and was placed in 3 months. She evening hitting some days making £2200 in a day commission

Luke - 10k a month while still in Uni

  • Luke was unsure what he wanted to do when he finished uni. He didn't want to leave and then be stuck in the 9-5

  • He started Closing but wasn't making much doing it because he wasn't closing many deals and the Offer he was on wasn't giving him many Calls

  • He joined the Academy, we gave him better Sales Skills and a better offer and he done 10k in his first month!!

Meghna - Placed in 4 weeks

  • Meghna had been in sales for a while but was tired of earning low commissions and working long hours

  • She joined the Academy to get more freedom

  • She smashed the training and finished in 3 weeks and then got placed into an amazing offer 1 week later

  • She is now a full time remote Closer and has quit her job in sales

Joe - Hitting 10k months while part time

  • Joe was working a sales day job and couldnt hit more than 4k a month

  • He wanted to earn more on the side before committing full time

  • He finished training in a month and then got onto an offer part time

  • He made 10k between his day job and his part time closing role

Chloe - Earning x2 while working half

  • Chloe was in Sales for a while and like a lot of people was sick of going above and beyond with the time and effort she put when she got so little

  • She started a Social Media Agency but again she was putting in a lot of work but it wasn't giving her enough

  • She joined, passed and was placed in 5 weeks!! and she now does twice what she used to in her old Sales job

Ethan - Tripled his income in 4 months

  • Ethan was a struggling PT who wanted to learn sales to help him with getting more clients

  • He found the Close Pro Academy and saw High Ticket Closing as a better opportunity to make money and give him more freedom

  • He completed the training in a month and then got placed in an offer straight after

  • He now has tripled his income in 4 months

Charlie - 20 years old and quit in 3 months

  • Charlie hated her job and wanted to do something where she could work remotely and travel

  • She found High Ticket Closing but wasn't sure it was for her because she has no sales experience

  • She joined and stuck to the training and was able to be placed in 3 months

  • She now quit her job and is working from thailand like she dreamed

Gav - Accountant to Remote Closer in Spain

  • Gav was an accountantin Ireland with zero sales experience but was feeling lost. He knew the Office wasn't for him but didn't know what to do

  • He saw the life being a remote Closer could give him but was worried getting into it with no experience so joined the Academy

  • He came through the training, he did the work and got placed as a remote Closer

  • He was then able to quit his Job and Move to spain

Vicky - Back up to 8k as a Closer

  • Vicky was a Closer and hit a plateu on her Offer

  • She felt she couldnt grow and more in her current offer and wasn't making what she used to

  • She joined the Close Pro Academy, got better Sales Skills, we placed her in a better Offer and she got back up to 8k in her first month!!

Aaron - Warehouse to Closer in 3 months

  • Aaron felt lost not knowing what he wanted to do with his life but knowing he couldn't stay working in a warehouse

  • He found the Close Pro Academy and felt like he has found a new sense of direction

  • He committed himself to the process, passed the training and was placed in an offer in 3 months

  • He quit his warehouse job and now makes more in 2 days he did in 2 months

Charlie - Carpenter to Closer in 4 months

  • Charlie was working as a Carpenter but was tired of living the same week every week going to the same site, doing the same thing

  • He found the Close Pro Academy and know Closing was where he wanted to focus

  • He smashed the training and got placed, quitting his job in less than 4 months

  • He now travells around Australia and Bali as a Remote Closer

Ally - Current Closer back up to 40%+

  • Ally was already a Closer and hit a bit of a sales slump, which happens to the best of them

  • So rather than just do nothing she invested in the programme to improve her sales skills

  • She took on the training, adjusted and in a month was back up to closing at 40%+ Close rate

  • Shes now back to smashing it as a High Ticket Closer

Darren - Struggling Agency owner to Closer

  • Darren was strugling with his Agency so wanted to find a way to make cash on the side

  • He found the Close Pro Academy and within a couple of months was fully trained and soon after got a full time Closer position

  • He's now fully focused on closing as it gives him more money and more freedom than his agency

  • He now smashes it as a High Ticket Closer

Alex - F/Time High Ticket Closer in 3 months

  • Alex was looking at starting an online business but didnt really know where to start. He looked into a few things but didn't think he could manage a whole business

  • He found the Close Pro Academy and High Ticket Closing and knew this was his new path

  • He smashed the training and got placed as a Full Closer in 3 months

  • He now lives in the US and closes at 40%+

Dan - Quit his job in 4 months

  • Dan tried various things to make money online like dropshipping, trading, agency but nothing worked

  • He found high ticket closing and the close pro academy

  • He throw himself into the training and gt passed placed and qas qble to quit his job in 4 months

  • He's now a full time setter/closer, working fully remotely

Yas - No Sales Experience to setter/closer

  • Yas was tired of the 9-5 but was worried he couldn't come into the space with no sales experience

  • He joined Close Pro and started to learn the new skill of sales

  • He passed training and was placed in 5 months after joining

  • He's now a full time setter/closer

Keyvan - Closing deals within 4 weeks

  • Keyvan was trying to close for his own offer but couldnt seem to get any clients in

  • He joined close pro to up his sales skills

  • Within a month he was back at it signing clients

  • He's now grown his offer and is hiring a

We've helped countless others to break free with High Ticket Closing

Want to see if we can do it for you too

Success is what we do

See for yourself

Want to be our next success story

Book a call in with the team

Apply To Join The Close Pro Academy


Elite Sales Training

Go through the most comprehensive Sales Training available to give you the skills you need to become a top performing High Ticket Closer.


Certification in High Ticket closing

Show others you have been through the necessary training to be a top performing High Ticket Closer.


Guaranteed Placement as High Ticket Closer

We'll ensure you actually get placed as a High Ticket Closer and can finally acheive freedom.


One on One Coaching

When we say we ensure success, we mean it. Everyone will get coached one on one so we can make sure they reach their goals.


Community of Top Performers

You are a product of your enviroment so surround yourself with success in our community of top performers.


Weekly Group Coaching and Q&A Calls

Always have access to support and on-going trainng with our weekly live coaching and Q&A calls.

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